macedonian honor

macedonian honor

Macedonization of Bulgarians in Pirin Macedonia Macedonization of Bulgarians in Pirin Macedonia was carried out by the authorities of the People’s Republic of Bulgaria (pro-Russian puppet government) and Yugoslavia. They sought to create a community with a...
Is the story we read and learn in school true?

Is the story we read and learn in school true?

Is the story we read and learn in school true? What if you wake up one day and find that people believe in lies and that even the teacher and the university professor are telling tall tales? Will this understanding make individuals think? Maybe it will change...
The Genesis of a Nation.

The Genesis of a Nation.

The word Genesis means origin. Genesis is the most famous book in the Bible. Since our topic is history, we will present the formation of the history of the Macedonian nation. Studying history is not just memorizing interesting stories about famous people from the...